July 18th & 19th, 2025
Friday July 18th @ 7:00pm
Saturday July 19th @ 7:00pm
Saturday July 19th @ 10:00am
Riding time: Open riding time available before perfs.
Stock Contractor: (tentatively) Battle River Rodeo, Blaine Fyson, 306-227-7445/Cody Strandquist, 306-375-7323
Event/Purse/Entry Fee:
- SB, BB, BR, CR, SW, LBR, LR/$1000/$100
- TR/$2000/$100
- JGB, JSR/$250/$50
- NBB, NSB, NBR/$250/$50
Dual Approved: No
Local Entries: Monday July 7th, 9:30am-2:30pm-Taylor Holbrook, 306-860-7422, taylorderdall@hotmail.com
On Line Entry Start: Wednesday July 2nd
Phone in Entry: Monday July 7th, 9:30am-2:30pm
Call Backs: Thursday July 10th until Friday July 11th at 11:00am
Prepay Rodeo Entry Fees End: On Line by 12:00pm Friday July 11th
Memberships Due: Friday July 4th by 4:30pm
Order of events: LBR, JGB, BB, NBB, CR, SB, NSB, LR, SW, JSR, NBR, TR, BR
Directions: At Elbow turn West on to Saskatchewan Street off highway 19. At Aitkow Ave, turn south and go 3 blocks. The rodeo grounds will be on the East side of the street.